
Grant on Global News: Excessive speeding follow-up: how many licences lost?

New data is shedding more light on the issue of excessive speeding in British Columbia. Every year, for the past three years, more than 2,100 motorists have been handed licence prohibitions for excessive speeding. … Forensic traffic consultant Grant Gottgetreu, a former West Vancouver police officer, says the problem of excessive speeding is worse than


Alco-Sensor FST possible results

Details are everything when it comes to impaired driving investigations. An impaired driving allegation, whether administrative or criminal offence, must be supported either with observed indicia of impairment, a physical coordination test or evidence from an approved screening device, also known as a breathalyzer. The Alco-Sensor FST is the approved instrument for many police forces


Grant Gottgetreu on The Ryan Jespersen Show

Grant Gottgetreu, a Forensic Traffic Consultant and a retired police corporal discussed what the new impaired driving laws mean for police and drivers. He shared his views on the change of legislation based on his experiences. … “I am always suspicious when the government enacts a law that comes with a monetary penalty because it

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