Grant on Weekends with Scott Shantz: This July was the deadliest July on BC roads in a decade

“I knew it would eventually catch up, what I’ve been seeing in the last 10-15 years, there’s an increase in traffic obviously and we just can’t handle it in the Lower Mainland.”

“The other thing is, there has been a marked decrease in traffic enforcement. Other than the Vancouver Police, they’ve maintained a 40 person unit for decades. But every other agency, including the BC Highway Patrol just don’t have the resources out there to do the enforcement they should be doing”

“Traffic enforcement in police departments is not sexy, for lack of a better term”

“I don’t want to write a speeding ticket, it’s beneath me, I want to go out there to catch the next [drug kingpin]

“The police department themselves starting from the very top, don’t put much stock in traffic enforcement”

“Cars are [faster] than they have ever been. You’ve got mini vans now with more horsepower than muscle cars you had back in the 60’s. There’s a false sense of safety in these vehicles too because now cars have special crumple zones, 7000 air bags. So you get the feeling that even if you do get in a crash, my chances of survival are extremely high”

“You’re gonna get where you’re gonna get. So just calm down, be respectful and considerate to other drivers. But the one thing that served me well, always assume the other driver is going to kill you. He’s out there to kill you. Put your head on a swivel. Be hyper-vigilant”

“Quite frankly, until there is an increase in traffic enforcement, there’s not going to be a change”

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